Thursday, November 18, 2004

Bogged Blog Bummer

My blogging speed has been reduced.

In the past, I've been able to think, write, edit, post articles from my phone to the web all within 5-10mins. The only slow poke was my thumb which couldn't keep up with my thoughts.

But Blogger has had some technical problems since late October. A server or two bogged down. And there were delays in delivery of e-mails sent to Blogger supposedly for instant posting to the web. There were times when my articles didn't get posted until a day or two after.

Ain't that a bummer?!

Since then, I haven't been posting articles as fast as before. And my thoughts would evaporate before they see print.

So now I'm posting via email from my phone on thursday and expecting this article to appear on friday or saturday.

My next article: Dual SIMs, Multi SIMs, and all that SIMs.

- edwin
late for Prof Limlingan's class


  1. uy! it's back! posting is back to normal!

    i'm back to speed now ... except that i have so many papers to write.

    bummer pa rin ...


  2. Anonymous2:59 am

    It used to happen to me almost all the time when I was still using the SMS e-mail to post to another blog.


  3. hi test-blogger,

    actually, the lag has reduced already. for example, this post was up within a few minutes after sending it via phone-to-bloggerEmail.

    goodluck with your blog!
    ka edong


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