
Mobile phones, services and applications. PCs, PDAs, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Internet, gadgets, electronics, photography. A technology-life journal ... Relaxed prose, sometimes witty, sometimes funny, reflective and insightful. Short and sweet. Filipino.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Bumibili ng Sirang SIM (Part II)

(Sequel to Bakal! Bote! Dyaryo! SIM!)

I found an old SIM among my accumulated junk in my office table's bottom-most drawer - my drawer "basement" or "bodega" if you will.

I tried out the SIM - "No Carrier...", my phone reported. This must have been a SIM which lost it's signal when I upgraded my SIM for the bigger phonebook and message storage. That P200+ SIM upgrade was a mistake. I didn't realize that my next and current phone, the Smart Amazing Phone, would solve my need for a bigger address book.

SIMs so cheapSo, this morning I decided to sell this old SIM. I wasn't after the extra cash. I just wanted to further investigate this Bumibili ng Sirang SIM phenomenon.

I approached one stall with the Sirang SIM sign beneath the Boni-MRT station. I showed the teenage girl my SIM. She clarified the rates and told me my SIM was only worth P20 and not P30 because it wasn't a Globe 64k SIM.

This morning's prevailing rates were:
P30 for a Globe 64k SIM
P20 for other Globe SIMs
P20 for Smart and Talk n Text
P10 for Sun Cellular

When asked how many SIMs she buys per week, she said it varies from 10-30 SIMs per week. There are days that she isn't able to buy any SIM. I asked her what she does with the SIM, she was naturally hesitant to tell me. She just shrugged her shoulders saying she just gives it to her amo.

I approached another Bumibili lady in her 40s. This lady was a bit more open than the first. She gave me info that should have been a trade secret. She said she'd have the re-purchased SIMs SIM-Swapped at the nearby McDo. "Pa-isa-isa lang para 'di halata".

So, I gave her a nod of approval, and walked away.

I'll SIM Swap my SIM myself, thank you. Then I'll have my free ice cream sundae and eat it too. Ü

- edwin
June 3


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