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Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Love Letter From My Bank Manager

Got a love letter from my bank, BPI. It's my statement of my checking account.

Aside from the usual documents telling me how much I don't have in the bank, I got a note from the Bank's management all about check imaging.

Check imaging is the process of taking digital snapshots of original cheques. Thus, eventually, my bank will stop sending me my original issued cheques. Instead, I'l be getting printouts of the cheque images, all neatly arranged by cheque number.

BPI will retain physical cheques for 1 year. I'l be able to request for the original cheque for a fee (P50-P200).

Bottom-line for my bank - less paper processing, more digital files, better documentation, faster records retrieval, easier archiving.

The check imaging and printed out cheques will be useful for enterprises or entrepreneurs or other people who have lot's of cheques to issue and keep track of.

Personally, this won't be much value to me. I only use cheques to pay the rent. Thus, I don't file my old cheques, nor my old bills.

This tip I learned from "Life's Little Instruction Book"
Do not keep old bills.
Always keep old love letters.

- edwin
sa Barberia ni Maria


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