
Mobile phones, services and applications. PCs, PDAs, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Internet, gadgets, electronics, photography. A technology-life journal ... Relaxed prose, sometimes witty, sometimes funny, reflective and insightful. Short and sweet. Filipino.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Texting while Fighting

On the Text messaging Army's indispensable tool in war

That story reminds me of a few minutes watching TV-coverage of the Oakwood Mutiny back in 2003....

I was watching a live TV-coverage of the Oakwook Mutiny. The cameras focused on a group of 4 government-side soldiers at the foot of the flyover that leads from Ayala Ave to EDSA. The soldiers kept cover behind the concrete pavement of the flyover, taking quick and careful glances towards Oakwood. They were armed with rifles and bullets and grenades and a staunch "Rambo" look splattered on their faces.

After a minute or two on live television, one of the soldiers grabbed something from his pocket. It was a cellphone. He took a call. Then he surveyed the vicinity, looking for something.

When he saw the TV cameras, he smiled!

Your guess is as good as mine, but I could only imagine this cellphone conversation that triggered his smile:
Misis: "Sweetheart! Ayusin mo ang buhok mo, nasa TV ka!"
Then he whispered something to his fellow-soldiers. And then they smiled behind the war paint on their faces!

Ah, comic relief in the middle of the tension of the Oakwood Mutiny.

ka edong
cellphone warrior

Read: Texting while driving


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